What to Look For in a Cannabis Dispensary

Cannabis consumption is legal where you live. That's great! And now you're opening up to all the possibilities of consuming cannabis. Even better! Perhaps you've smoked a preroll with your peers, or maybe you've even taken home a gummy or two from a friend. You've probably done some social consumption, and now you're ready to buy some products of your own. After all, you've seen all the benefits you may receive from this wonderful green plant. But if you don't have experience shopping at a dispensary, you may not know where to go to pick up products. Should you head to the spot around the corner? It may be worth driving a little further to find a more trustworthy provider. Before you grab your keys, we've got some tips to help you find a quality cannabis dispensary.
The Inventory
Choosing a dispensary is much like selecting a provider for any other business. A good cannabis dispensary will offer a wide selection of quality products, though if it comes down to it, quality should always come before quantity. When scoping out products, if you spot mold or notice any unpleasant smells, you probably shouldn't return to that retailer. Reputable dispensaries will take proper care of their products and have them displayed clearly so customers can get a good look at the items available for purchase.
In terms of variety, a quality dispensary should offer many different types of cannabis products. After all, some people prefer edibles, some like tinctures, some want to smoke, and some may need another form of cannabis. It's your right to choose, and if a shop doesn't offer options, you should probably look for another dispensary.
It goes without saying that if a store has high-quality products, you'll be paying a little more than you would for run-of-the-mill cannabis. But a good dispensary should have enough of a range that cost won't be prohibitive for those living on a budget. Considering how high taxes are in certain areas, the total can really add up. As such, variety should also include affordable options.
It's always good to know where products come from. Sometimes those details are clearly displayed, but if not, you have the right to request that information. Find out growing conditions and where products are sourced. You may even wind up at a dispensary that cultivates its own cannabis, which is always a good sign.
Ideally, a dispensary will have detailed product information presented on a menu. This is where you will find strain info, THC to CBD ratio, terpenes, general descriptions, and other pertinent details.
The Dispensary Itself
Location is a factor anytime you go shopping, so why would it be different anywhere else? While it's not ideal to drive too far, some areas have tons of dispensaries. It may be tempting to default to a business that's right around the corner, but when it comes to cannabis, it's worth it to drive a little further for a better shop.
Sometimes you aren't able to take a trip to a dispensary, and that shouldn't stop you from getting the products you need. If a shop provides free cannabis delivery, that's definitely a huge plus! Some will also do curbside pickup, which can save you a lot of time and effort as well.
Something you don't usually have to worry about in this day and age is carrying cash. It's not too often you'll find a cash-only business, so people rarely withdraw actual money from their accounts anymore. Unfortunately, it's a different story with cannabis dispensaries. It's rather difficult for businesses in this industry to offer credit or debit, so shops often have no choice but to require cash transactions. There are some dispensaries that will take other forms of payment, which is something you may want to look for when comparing different shops.
Much like any other store, you want to visit a dispensary that is warm and inviting. Entering a cannabis shop can be intimidating for someone who doesn't have a lot of experience, so it's important that every customer is treated with the same level of care and respect. When choosing a go-to dispensary, it should be a place that makes you feel like you can browse comfortably without judgment or neglect from employees. Some places will even offer amenities such as coffee and areas to relax while you wait to be helped or after you've bought everything you need.
But perhaps one of the most important things to look for in a cannabis dispensary is a knowledgeable and friendly budtender. Because there are countless strains on the market that affect people in so many different ways, it's absolutely vital that employees not only have an encyclopedic understanding of the shop's inventory but a comprehensive knowledge of all things cannabis. Dispensary employees should do their best to serve customers and help them find products that suit their needs.
You can learn a lot about a business by researching them online. Check reviews on the internet to make sure other customers are happy with their experiences before you settle on a dispensary. You can even ask your friends for recommendations.
Something for Medical Consumers to Consider
Finding a reputable dispensary is even more crucial for cannabis patients. When you consume for medical purposes, you want to be sure you're buying the best products and being served by the most knowledgeable staff members. And don't forget that there are legal limits to the amount you can purchase. So if you are buying medical cannabis, you may be taking frequent trips to replenish your supply. As such, accessibility could be even more important than it would be for recreational consumers, which is why you may want to prioritize a nearby dispensary over one that's far away. If they're close enough to deliver, even better!
Above all, don't ever buy products from a dispensary that isn't licensed. Otherwise, you may be purchasing unregulated, untested goods that could be harmful to your health or cause a negative reaction. Trust us, you don't want to mess with products that haven't been properly vetted.
Now that you know what to look for in a cannabis dispensary, it's time to research what businesses are in your area. And if we pop up in your search, whether it's in-store or curbside, we'd love to see you there. And if you choose delivery, we'd love to hear from you!